I don't drink protein shakes very much anymore because I am not lacking for protein on a paleo diet but I still like to drink one every once in awhile. Plus, I spent all day outdoors in the hot, hot sun yesterday so the idea of a cold shake appeals to me right about now. This delicious concoction included: Homemade coconut milk/cream made with Coconut Cream Concentrate from Tropical Traditions A half scoop of vanilla protein powder A packet of Superior Purples powder Ice cubes It … [Read more...]
For the Love of All Things Coconut!
I have known about Tropical Traditions for a couple years now and always meant to order some of their amazing coconut oil. For whatever reason I just never got around to it and ended up buying the coconut oil I found at my local grocery. Going paleo/primal really revved up my quest for quality though and I finally decided to buy what I considered the BEST coconut oil and coconut products out there. In my mind that honor belongs to Tropical Traditions. I ended falling in love with their coconut … [Read more...]
Natural Remedies for Dry Skin
Winter time is famous for dry skin. Even though I am venting my dryer indoors and the windows are usually all steamy my youngest and I are still having dry skin issues. If you have dry skin, you know that it’s not just annoying and kinda gross looking, it can also be incredibly uncomfortable. Your face feels tight and your lips may get chapped and your body itches. Conventional moisturizers are a waste of time usually, in my experience at least. The reason may be that the moisturizers simply … [Read more...]
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