Like all pets, rabbits need a balanced diet in order to thrive. Because 20% of a rabbit’s entire body weight is occupied by its digestive system, diet is especially important to a bunny's health. Many of the pellet foods that are provided in the US market contain everything that your rabbit will need nutrition-wise. They are also the simplest option – even though some of them are high in calories compared to what a rabbit would eat out in the wild. They can be kind of pricey though. If you are … [Read more...]
Simple “Get Happy” Tips for Winter and the Holiday Season
This is a wonderfully hectic season. So many people get stressed out during the holidays and winter itself can be a real downer for our mood and general happiness levels. It is so very easy to forget the simple pleasures of life and to put your own health and mental well being to the side. By making a few quick and simple changes we can make feeling happy in the moment a little easier... Turn It Off - The TV that is. Holiday ads are screaming "BUY, BUY, BUY!" Quiet the craziness by pushing … [Read more...]
Extend the Growing Season Into Fall & Winter
No matter where you live, there are crops and gardening techniques that allow you to enjoy homegrown produce year round. Sure you can go to just about any supermarket, even in the dead of winter and buy all sorts of vegetables, but they won’t be as good as what comes right out of your own garden. Being more self reliant, independent, and living more sustainably also means trying to grow as much food as we can, all year long. Here are some season extending ideas, as well as a discussion on … [Read more...]
Make Ahead Breakfast Frittatas
Most days I eat breakfast outside the house. If I don't want to eat from a cafe or vending machine then I have to plan ahead and bring food with me. The same goes for lunch except I find that lunch food is much easier to prepare in advance...breakfast not so much. This is why I usually just end up eating some fresh fruit and a nut-based snack bar of some kind, maybe some yogurt. No complaints there I just wanted some variety so I decided to see if I could whip up some kind of omelet or frittata … [Read more...]
10 Easy Ways to Reduce Kitchen Waste
According to a research, the average kitchen wastes approximately $1000 in food per year. Roughly 40% of all food produced worldwide ends up in the garbage. Think of how many hungry people could be fed if we cleaned up our act and actually used what we purchased and thus only purchased what we actually needed. Our budgets would be immediately helped by making a few changes and wasting less food. I know personally I cringe at the idea of throwing away $1000 a year. I can think of many ways I … [Read more...]
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