I am off to the Big Apple tomorrow for the BlogHer 12 conference. I have been blogging for eight years and this is my very first time attending this amazing event. My oldest is now six and about to start real school this fall. I think it is time for mom to get out more, don't ya think? Well, I do and I am over the moon excited. If you are going then I cannot wait to meet you. If not then you can follow my adventures on Facebook or read about it here later. In June I blogged about the … [Read more...]
Nordic Naturals Ultimate Omega-D3
There have been so many diet changes lately and so many new and wonderful products I have tried looking to prioritize my health and that of my family. One of the smaller changes we made was that we started consuming fish oils so that our diet would have an ample supply of Omega 3 essential fatty acids, EPA and DHA. I have been trying a few different brands and products but one of the front runners is Nordic Naturals and their Ultimate Omega - D3, which has fish oils obviously and 1000 I.U. of … [Read more...]
$100 Natural Toy Giveaway!!
I love all of the smaller, mom run stores that have opened to meet the shopping needs of us green and natural moms and dads. Not only do you get wonderful products that are safe and healthy for your family, you are supporting another family directly when you make a purchase. If you buy that Foogo cup at Target for instance then Target gets the profit from that product but if you buy it from another mom then the money goes directly to them. In this economy we need to do that as much as we … [Read more...]
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