We live in a society that has come to appreciate convenient and disposable a bit too much. Why clean it when you can just throw it away right? What could be more convenient than to use a brand, spanking new product each time you need one and then throw it away and make it someone else's problem when you are done. There are many of us though that realize that it is just lazy and selfish to to get hooked on one use disposables. Not only are we throwing our money away on what is essentially … [Read more...]
Eco Friendly Options for Gift Wrapping
Gift wrapping paper with all it's bright colors and beautiful design is often hard to resist. Yet it is also expensive and wasteful to produce and use. Why use resources to produce beautiful paper that will end up ripped to shreds and thrown away only a few weeks later? Should we just go without wrapping the gifts that we give to others? Most people like to give gifts with some sort of embellishment so you may want to consider cheaper "recycled" gift wrap options. Thoughtful touches and … [Read more...]
Eco Friendly Birthday Party
I have had quite a few emails from the Nature Moms blog readers about doing an article on how to host a green birthday for kids. Nothing has a natural mom cringing more I guess then the thought of a conventional birthday party with the enormous amount of garbage they generate from torn wrapping paper and cardboard boxes to the disposable cups, plates, and napkins that are often used. Kids are hyped up on sugary birthday cake, and they get lots of toys that frankly they just don't need. So … [Read more...]
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