Protecting that Soft Baby Skin

Protecting that Soft Baby Skin

I just wanted to share a great baby product that I use at home. No it is not necessarily an environmental product…but definitely a smart one.

My 7 month old baby boy has just started crawling and his knees and elbows have been getting red and sore from all the friction in those tender areas. I felt so bad for him. L Then I remembered a product I used for him when he a newborn in freezing cold Ohio. BabyLegs! I used them on his legs to keep them extra toasty in below zero weather but they would also work great at protecting his legs and arms against nasty rug burn. They are perfect for this Arizona summer too. He is wearing just a diaper most days to keep cool. I didn’t want to clothe him in long sleeves and pants and now I don’t have to!

He is wearing rainbow BabyLegs on his legs and Jester BabyLegs on his arms. Oh and that adorable cloth diaper is a Deco-Doodlez from Monkey Doodlez in case you were wondering.





  1. Lori

    What a darling baby. He looks so happy.

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