Evening Primrose Oil for Healthier Skin

Evening Primrose Oil for Healthier Skin

Evening Primrose Oil for Healthier SkinWhat is the first thing people see when they look at you? Is it your hair, your face, your eyes? Well, it’s probably your skin. While we may not realize it, the skin is the most important part of your body when it comes to looking young and healthy. If our skin looks old, tired, or if we have skin problems, it can seriously affect the way we look and feel. A great way to get healthy, young looking skin is to use Evening Primrose oil, or EPO. It can clear up problems and have you looking beautiful in no time.

Before I tell you what it does, I should probably tell you what it is. Evening primrose is an edible plant that grows naturally in North America and has been used by Native Americans for centuries. While they used various parts of the plant, EPO is made from the seeds. It can help improve skin and has also been suggested to help with a variety of other ailments from PMS to breast cancer.

So what’s so special about EPO? Well it is one of the best sources of GLA, an essential fatty acid. GLA is used to maintain normal cell structure. It is also used to produce a hormone that has many uses in the body, including reducing inflammation and helping with digestion.

While there hasn’t been extensive research done on EPO, there has been some scientific evidence to show its effect on skin. It can improve your skin’s health by improving problem skin and allowing your young fresh skin to shine through. Here are some of the benefits of EPO.

* Reduces inflammation. Most of us have had the problem of red puffy skin at one point or another. EPO can help ease swelling, making your skin look younger and healthier.

* Relieves skin allergies. Being an allergy sufferer myself, I tell you there’s nothing like having to hide my legs and neck because of rashes or hives. EPO can help get rid of these symptoms and have you back into the outfits you love.

* Relieves Eczema. Those who are afflicted with eczema know that skin can not only look bad, but feel bad too. EPO may ease eczema symptoms, sparing you some of the pain and embarrassment.

* Increases blood flow to the skin. Even if you don’t have skin problems, you can still be benefited by taking EPO. It can increase blood flow to your skin, leaving it healthy and nourished.

* Reduces bruising. While EPO is generally taken orally, it can also be applied directly to the skin to decrease the appearance of bruises.

Remember, as with any medication or supplement, you should talk to your doctor before taking EPO. Once you’ve gotten the okay, you can take this oil regularly for healthy, beautiful skin.

Where to Buy:

learn more about essential oils


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