8 Things About Me

Tag..I am it! Barb at Naturally Wahms has asked me to share 8 things about myself. I hope I don’t bore you to tears. Well, here I go with 8 things you may not know about me:

1. I play steel drums (or a steelpan). For many years I was in a steel drum orchestra as a baritone. My favorite song to play was Tequila followed closely by Under the Sea from the Little Mermaid.

2. I used to ride a motorcycle. I got my start riding on the back of my boyfriend’s (now husband) bike. I felt like such a bad ass wearing all black, a leather jacket and a black helmet. When I eventually got my own bike I picked a neon green Ninja and I got green leather riding gear to match it. :) I gave up riding when I got pregant with my first child.

3. I am a HUGE movie buff. I used to see 3-4 movies in a theatre a week! I hardly ever go now after the birth of three kids but I still LOVE movies. In fact my oldest child was named after a movie character named Payton Westlake. If you can tell me what movie that is from I will send you a canvas grocery tote! My daughter was named after a character from a TV show actually. Rose McGowan plays her in the show. Can you guess the charcter’s name?

My favorite movie at the moment is Pride and Prejudice with Keira Knightley. I also adore the Pirates of the Carribean movies.

4. I graduated highschool and started college at 16. I was premed so I studied alot of anatomy and pysiology, chemistry, science, etc. and I even got to dissect a cadaver. I thought it was the coolest thing ever and I still have about 500 photos of it. Understandably the photo clerk was eyeballing me when I picked the photos up.

5. I started my first home based business at 14 years old and was making a 5 figure income after one year. I quit the business to go to college.

6. I used to write science fiction novels. I guess I got it from my mother who is a novelist with several dozen published books. Now I have no interest in writing anything other than non-fiction though. In fact I don’t even read fiction books anymore…go figure.

7. The people I would most like to meet are Al Gore, Leonardo Dicaprio, and Joan Gussow.

8. My wildest aspiration would be to go into politics and be a champion for environmental causes.