8 Things About Me

Tag..I am it! Barb at Naturally Wahms has asked me to share 8 things about myself. I hope I don’t bore you to tears. Well, here I go with 8 things you may not know about me:

1. I play steel drums (or a steelpan). For many years I was in a steel drum orchestra as a baritone. My favorite song to play was Tequila followed closely by Under the Sea from the Little Mermaid.

2. I used to ride a motorcycle. I got my start riding on the back of my boyfriend’s (now husband) bike. I felt like such a bad ass wearing all black, a leather jacket and a black helmet. When I eventually got my own bike I picked a neon green Ninja and I got green leather riding gear to match it. :) I gave up riding when I got pregant with my first child.

3. I am a HUGE movie buff. I used to see 3-4 movies in a theatre a week! I hardly ever go now after the birth of three kids but I still LOVE movies. In fact my oldest child was named after a movie character named Payton Westlake. If you can tell me what movie that is from I will send you a canvas grocery tote! My daughter was named after a character from a TV show actually. Rose McGowan plays her in the show. Can you guess the charcter’s name?

My favorite movie at the moment is Pride and Prejudice with Keira Knightley. I also adore the Pirates of the Carribean movies.

4. I graduated highschool and started college at 16. I was premed so I studied alot of anatomy and pysiology, chemistry, science, etc. and I even got to dissect a cadaver. I thought it was the coolest thing ever and I still have about 500 photos of it. Understandably the photo clerk was eyeballing me when I picked the photos up.

5. I started my first home based business at 14 years old and was making a 5 figure income after one year. I quit the business to go to college.

6. I used to write science fiction novels. I guess I got it from my mother who is a novelist with several dozen published books. Now I have no interest in writing anything other than non-fiction though. In fact I don’t even read fiction books anymore…go figure.

7. The people I would most like to meet are Al Gore, Leonardo Dicaprio, and Joan Gussow.

8. My wildest aspiration would be to go into politics and be a champion for environmental causes.



  1. Barb

    Wow – steel drums and motorcycles? You sound tough! LOL. My husband and I were big fans of Charmed. I still love science fiction (though prefer to watch it instead of read it) and if I’m reading a novel, it’ll be fantasy. What style does your mother write?

    And is that P&P out already? I thought it was a big screen movie and not yet out.

    Thanks for sharing! I hope to hear more about your 5 figure business one day! Maybe a post at NWAHMs about what you learned from it (and why you quit it, whew!). :D

  2. Jenny

    wow steel drums? that’s awesome!!

  3. Barb, P & P is out on DVD. You should check it out. And my mother writes romace novels. Thanks for the tag.

  4. Carrie, LOL. It was actually my past self that was so interesting. ;)

  5. Wow, Id have never imagined! :) Great stories to tell your children. Id love to hear more about that 5 figure business you had as a teen also! Were any of your books published?

  6. Deb

    You continue to amaze me Tiffany! I too would love to hear more about your first business!

  7. Pingback: » 8 Random Facts About Me

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