Get Your Green On – A Roadtrip

Get Your Green On – A Roadtrip


A product that I have always loved is BabyLegs. My son and daughter have many pairs of these adorable baby legwarmers. If you recall I posted my review of them and a picture of my baby sporting BabyLegs on his legs and arms. I was very excited to hear that they were coming out with a line of organic of BabyLegs AND promoting green business practices by taking a biodiesel road trip to bring awareness to parents about sustainable living and organic products. The adventure was referred to as the “Get Your Green Legs On” road trip and I interviewed Spring Courtright, one of the participants about the unique experience. So read the interview below and don’t forget to look for a special coupon code for a FREE pair of BabyLegs at the end!

NatureMom: Tell me what the Get Your Green Legs on Road trip was all about…

Spring: This trip was about supporting, promoting and creating conversations about organic and sustainable business practices. We wanted to share our journey towards  being green and inspire other individuals and businesses to make big and small, daily decisions to positively impact the planet and our children’s future.

We’re working hard to be green here at BabyLegs, so this trip was a way for us to share our excitement that our entire fall line of BabyLegs designs will be organic with recycled paper packaging. This is something Nicole, the owner of BabyLegs, has been trying to do since the beginning of BabyLegs and we’re all really happy she’s found a good, high quality source for the organic line.

The story is this: We were attending the Junior Products and Apparel Manufacturer (JPMA) show in Orlando, and wanted to get ourselves and our product there in a sustainable manner. Driving across country on Biodeisel was the answer. We then decided to use this opportunity to do a few other things as well: check in with our retailers across the country to learn about their needs and allow them to share their thoughts, meet those retailers/customers that share our enthusiasm for the environment and those that are lacking (we aimed to change that), promote our organic line, and to support and promote other green businesses.

BabyLegs owner, Nicole Donnelly, recently bought a car that runs on biodiesel, and she loves it. So we asked our neighbor, Imperium Renewables/Seattle Biodiesel, if they would be interested in supporting a Get Your Green Legs on trip. They promptly donated 325 gallons of biodiesel, which took us all the way to Georgia, where Boswell Oil donated another 100 gallons.

We contacted other companies who are environmentally-minded and they were eager to support our mission. Clif Bar donated thousands of Luna and Z-Bars, (which Erinn and I ate every day!), and GreenCar Co, Woobie, Bellysock, Spacecraft, Fuelwerks, and many others were eager to work with us. We promoted them, our organic line and our mission throughout 15 states and over 8000 miles!

NatureMom: What kind of vehicle did you drive and what made it eco friendly?

Spring: We drove a Chevy Silverado that pulled a trailer with all our things. What made it eco-friendly was the100% biodiesel (B-100, soybean oil) we carried in tanks in the back of our truck. We used B-100 throughout the entire trip.

Very few people (especially women!) have driven across the United States with 100% biodiesel. We generated a lot of conversations with people along the way whenever we stopped to pump our fuel. This successful trip was a testament to the simplicity of using alternative fuels. There are certainly more fuel efficient cars out there, which I highly recommend using, but this was a test drive that showed it can be done safely with any diesel car or truck.

NatureMom: Tell us about some of the stops you made…

Spring: We made many stops, mostly at retail stores who carry BabyLegs. At each retail stop we set up an information table with free BabyLegs, materials from our sponsors, goodie bags for our in-store raffle (full of free organic BabyLegs, Luna and Z-bars, sponsor materials and other fun items), and our ultimate raffle item (a Vy and Elle recycled billboard handbag full of BabyLegs). On each raffle ticket parents had to write an environmental commitment to their children. It was a great to see the commitments parents are willing to make for their child(ren)’s future. We were also able to provide parents with information on the little things they can do that make huge differences.

We were greeted with so much enthusiasm–everyone who walked out of the stores had a pair of BabyLegs in their hands, on their child or on their arms!

Our stops were:

Black Wagon in Portland; Hugs and Bugs and the Global Warming Rally in Salt Lake City; Real Baby in Denver; an Earth Day event at the University of Georgia; the Junior Products and Apparel Manufacturer trade show in Orlando; A Women’s Work in Dallas; our showroom in Houston: Southern Fried Chicks; Best Fed in Phoenix; Baby Loves Disco at Aubergine in San Diego; our shipping facility in Sacramento; and finally, Bambini in Eugene.
We had so many great stops along the way at restaurants, hotels, retailers and we had great conversations with everyone we came into contact with. They were all curious about BabyLegs and Biodiesel, and all of them walked away with a pair of BabyLegs to share or wear!

NatureMom: Did you find any green parents out there?

Spring: We found MANY green parents out there! We were pleasantly surprised by all the green parents, but also shocked by the lack of recycling programs in some cities.

We asked parents to write an Environmental Commitment to thier Child(ren)’s Future, something they weren’t doing already that they would start doing that day. Some of the hundreds of responses were:

Building a worm bin with 3.5 yr old son; More walking, biking, and less driving; Less waste- more recycle; eating all organic; use powerstrips for entertainment center and unplug during the day; Encourage sustainable Development; organic gardening; I pledge to walk to work for the rest of the month and more!; Live a life that promotes sustainable development; Use earth friendly cleaning supplies;
And my favorite: To leave it better than I found it.

NatureMom: How was the response to the new organic line of Baby Legs?

Spring: People are really excited! Even though we only had pictures, the designs and colors are so gorgeous and stylish that even those who aren’t normally organic fans fell in love with them.

NatureMom: What was the highlight of the trip for you?

Spring: That’s so hard to say! The conversations with parents about environmental issues and getting their Environmental Commitments were really big for me I have a degree in Environmental Education and have spent years working with people outdoors, sharing the natural world, so hearing people’s serious commitments to keeping those natural places clean and green was a highlight.

Also, I fell in love with our country. Traveling with Erinn Hale, who is an incredible photographer with a huge heart and an eye for the interesting, made all the unique and beautiful landscapes, people and moments, even more beautiful. I lose heart sometimes, with all the talk of environmental degradation, thoughtlessness with our money and actions and such, but we live in such a breathtakingly beautiful country, with wonderful, curious people who are eager to learn and share.

This trip gave me hope and renewed my own internal pledge to be thoughtful with every action and purchase to do my part preserve all the beauty and health of the world.

NatureMom: Why do you feel this trip was important for green living and environmental awareness?

Spring: I feel the Green Legs trip was important in many ways.

For one, it brought awareness of our organic line as a reasonable and do-able choice for BabyLegs users, which alone will make an impact on the cotton industry buying organic means people all along the chain of production are safer and healthier, and less chemicals are produced and used.
The demand for our organics will hopefully show other companies that people want to make thoughtful, sustainable purchases, which I hope inspires those companies to start sourcing from healthy, thoughtful companies, which in turn will help the people who make and wear these products have healthier, happier lives.

Secondly, it showed that alternative fuels are a viable option for anyone. Here we were, two ladies with a lot of heart and green souls, but little know-how, who were able to drive 8000 miles with a truck and trailer, pumping their own 100% biodiesel! Truckers, restaurant and hotel workers, parents, store owners and customers, BabyLegs wearers, and everyone we met along the way now have seen, in the flesh, people who were able to use, and enjoy using, an alternative fuel source. I do hope to be part of a co-op which makes our own biodiesel, and use it for my diesel car soon. To me, that is the closed-loop system that makes the most sense.

I hope this trip was an inspiration for everyone we met and that it continues to inspire people to think seriously about their actions and everyday decisions. I hope they then turn these thoughts into reality and share, through example, their green experience with the people around them. This is how change happens and why this trip was important, both personally, professionally and environmentally.

Thanks Spring for a great interview!! AND for a free pair of BabyLegs when you purchase another use the secret code Celeb (with a capitol C). This was the code given to Golden Globe gifting suites and now you can use it too!


  1. Pingback: AboutMyPlanet Community - Powered by vBulletin

  2. Hi there – I just came across your site on technorati. I was looking for other moms who are interested in the environment, and here you are! I love BabyLegs too. They are one of those products that makes me think, ‘Why didn’t anyone come up with this sooner?’ Such a simple, genius idea.

    I thought you might want to joins us this green community. I am finding lots of great, green-minded people here.

  3. Anonymous

    Get Your Green on! A Biodiesel Road Trip…

    An interview with Sping Courtright of BabyLegs about the Get Your Green On road trip across country….

  4. Patty

    Hello Tiffany. I just happened on your blog and it is great! I read your profile and I hope you’re doing well. The comments are from such a while back. I strongly urge you to check out a friend of mine’s Web site and blog … she’s an amazing two-time cancer survivor named Meg Wolff who went through all of the traditional medical treatments and then changed her diet. She’s vibrant and heathy nine years later and I think her info might really be of interest to you. It’s Best wishes for your good health! Patty

  5. Patty,

    Your friend has a GREAT site. Her message definately hits home with me. I will put her book on my Amazon wishlist.

  6. Jake

    I think it’s really cool that you’re thinking about how to live more “green”, however:
    If the soybeans you used for your bio diesel came from a farm that uses NPK, plowing and tilling or pesticides, then it’s harmful to the environment. Tilling is harmful because soil is a “carbon sink”, and tilling the soil disturbs the soil, releasing the carbon.
    NPK, pesticides and herbicides are all harmful because they are petroleum products, and NPK is really terrible for the environment because it creates run off which causes algal blooms and a whole heap of problems.
    As a matter of fact, clearing land to facilitate demand for ethanol creates a “carbon deficit”.
    This article explains why. Growing in a manner which is not sustainable (as is the norm in America) then compounds the problem.
    With the world’s population nearing 7 billion people, we don’t have enough land to support the inefficient conversion process for bio diesel, anyway.
    Then, on top of all of that, carrying around a great big honking tanks of bio diesel would, I imagine, decrease your mileage substantially.
    I think that the idea of a green road trip is as oxymoronical as green tourism.
    I hope you aren’t offended by my critique. I really really appreciate the fact that there are blogs like this out there, it gives me a small measure of hope for humanity’s future…
    Sorry if this post states facts which you already know or have been posted elsewhere on this website. I haven’t really looked through the whole thing, this just caught my eye.

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