Feel Better Links

We are headed into cold and flu season so I thought I would link to some of the articles I have already written about this. No need to reinvent the wheel. ;)

This article about flu shots is timely and I have had several readers ask if I get them or my kids get them. The easy answer is HECK NO! ;) Check out my article: Flu Shots – Helpful or Dangerous?

I just wrote about an alternative to over the counter flu and cold medications called Sinupret. This is a great, natural product for congestion and coughing. There are some links on that page to natural remedies too.

For sore throats we drink slippery elm tea. It really coats the throat with a slimy feeling substance and takes the soreness away pronto but I did want to give a shout out to a new product, Bees M.D. Organic Honey Throat Drops. Created with honey as the main ingredient, this product is certified organic, created to naturally soothe sore throats and is ideal for the whole family. What’s more, the company has pledged a portion of the proceeds towards the research & protection of bees. I welcome you to check out their cute site when you get a moment. We have some on hand for the season….they taste yummy. ;)

And while I don’t think any of my readers have to worry about the Bird Flu…the book Escape the Bird Flu is a great read for learning about how to prevent illness and take care of yourself. I also like Never Get Another Cold.

Of course my fave resource for staying healthy is a guy named Dr. Ian Shillington, a Doctor of Naturopathy. On his web site you can order a free lecture on CD and it is a wealth of information. I have been a fan of his for over 3 years now.

Here is to your health!