Raw Vegan Chocolate Brownies

Raw Vegan Chocolate Brownie Balls - Sinfully Delicious!

Raw Vegan Chocolate Brownie Balls – Sinfully Delicious! Mmmmmm. Yes they are THAT good. I can’t help but make little moaning sounds when eating them…you know what they say about chocolate right? Hubby thinks I have lost my mind a little. He loves them too though and says they taste like the truffles his mom used to make.

I never understood the mainstream obsession with chocolate until yesterday when I made these. The recipe is my own invention that has definitely earned a position in my Raw Vegan Kids recipes book.

What you need: 1 cup of walnuts, 8-12 dates (soaked first), 1/2 cup carob powder, 1/2 cup cacao powder, 1/8 cup shredded coconut, and 2 teaspoons Agave nectar. A little water may be added if more moisture is needed.

I mixed it all up in a Blendtec and then rolled into little balls. Then I let them chill in the frig for a couple hours. The kids got into them first and declared love at first bite and then I got in on the action….ooooh so good.

This recipe makes about a dozen balls but they are very rich so we still have a couple left this morning….but not for long. Excuse me while I go devour them.

Oh and while I am eating, check out this review I wrote on my other blog about a wonderful guide to raising raw, natural, free range, kids called Evie’s Kitchen.