After Black Friday and Cyber Monday Comes #GivingTuesday

After Black Friday and Cyber Monday Comes #GivingTuesday

I don’t have any hard and fast policies about Black Friday and Cyber Monday. Over the years I have skipped one or both or decided to venture out and get a deal or two. I know many green bloggers call for boycotts of these events but I don’t support that personally and that is probably because neither will ever get to the point of consumer gluttony for me. Black Friday for me might mean nothing or it might be the day I get that one hot item one of my kids asked for and an opportunity to get it for less money. I do in fact plan to go out on Black Friday this year, after skipping the past two, because I can get a $40 discount on a specific product I will end up buying either way. Why not save the cash is my thought?

Cyber Monday I typically do support each year but mostly because my husband and I can get deals on shoes. We both go through fitness shoes pretty fast and my husband like specific shoes for work. Cyber Monday is the day when we can get these shoes (which average $100-$140) for half price or less. It would be silly NOT to buy them on that day. I do realize that for many these events may represent a free for all and an opportunity to buy lots of crap they don’t need but that isn’t the way of it here so I shop guilt free.

I honestly don’t even mind that Black Friday is now starting on Thanksgiving Day either. I won’t be signing petitions or calling for boycotts in that regard either for the simple reason that I used to be one of those people who worked on Thanksgiving and I wouldn’t have had it any other way. In my experience it was an exciting day to work and I got paid time and a half. I was the first one volunteering to work! Many are upset that these workers have to work on Thanksgiving but many of the workers themselves are not. I don’t lose site of that.

At any rate I think it is important to remember that Black Friday and Cyber Monday aren’t the only two days/events we need to consider. After these two comes Giving Tuesday on November 27th. This is the day when you give back and there are a variety of ways you may want to do this.

  • Choose your favorite cause and make a contribution on or around #GivingTuesday.
  • Volunteer locally at a shelter or soup kitchen for the day.
  • Take a load of food items or toiletries to a homeless shelter.
  • Donate money or supplies to an animal shelter.
  • Help a local family in need.
  • Cash in your loose change from your piggy banks and decide as a family where to donate it.
  • Get out the calendar and choose one day per quarter where you will donate money and/or time to locals in need.

No matter what you choose to do this can be a great opportunity to teach kids that while it is okay to shop ethically and responsibly on Black Friday and Cyber Monday, #GivingTuesday is the day we give back and its not to be forgotten.

This post was written as a member of the Global Team of 200 – Mom Bloggers for Social Good.


  1. Barefootintheozarks

    Thanks for the heads up on this! I had never heard of Giving Tuesday!

  2. I did not know about Giving Tuesday but I like it. Thanks for the info. Giving back is always important.

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