Several weeks back I shared a great ebook bundle that catered to the traditional, whole foods, real foods, natural parenting crowd. It was a great package and went over well so it is not surprising to see another ebook bundle pop up here recently. This one is a whole different lineup but equally awesome, with popular ebooks from 25 different authors/blogger, for a total of 33 different books.
It has a paleo, primal foods, traditional foods and lifestyle slant and I have had my eye on several of them. Well Fed, Lacto-Fermentation, Nourished Baby, Paleo CrockPot, The Wild Life, Freezer Cooking Guide for Grain Free Meals, Paleo Ice Cream, and many, many more. I just love that I can read all these on my tablet and take them with me everywhere I go. How many times have you been stuck in a line or waiting somewhere with nothing to read? Well, opening an ebook to educate yourself is a much better option than playing Angry Birds on your phone.
If you have had your eye on a few of these then it makes sense to buy this bundle to get ALL these great goodies and save yourself some money in the process. Enjoy!
Get the Toadally Primal Wellness Bundle
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