Choosing Calm with Geranium Essential Oil

Choosing Calm with Geranium Essential Oil

Geranium oil in glass bottle

Geranium is one of those essential oils that kinda gets ignored. Whenever we think about using EOs for relaxation, balance, and calm we typically think about Lavender, Ylang Ylang, or Roman Chamomile. Geranium though does wonders for those looking to relax and seek some measure of calm in their otherwise hectically paced life. In centuries past people used to grow geranium plants around their homes to keep evil spirits away. We may not have to worry so much about evil spirits but maybe our own negative spirit…it works for that too.

If you are unsure what it smells like, I personally think it smells very similar to rose oil though a little less annoyingly sweet. It is actually quite perfect to use as a perfume when you are in high stress situations (work, meetings, school, commutes, etc) so that you can have a great day, staying cool and collected. It lifts the spirit, relieves tension, and helps you deal with negative emotions. For these reasons it is also great for PMS and menstrual issues. It is actually supposed to help balance our hormones.

How To Use Geranium Oil

Dilute it 50:50 and then diffuse it, inhale it, or apply to the temples, chakras, or abdomen.

You can of course buy geranium essential oil itself or buy some kind of blend or product that contains the oil.

One of my favorite ways of late to use Geranium (and other EOs) is to put a few drops inside a car diffuser. I have been driving more recently and during rush hour too. Diffusing essential oils in the car is a pretty nifty way to reap their benefits. You simply put a few drops of Geranium (or any oil of your choosing) on the little paper pads that come with the diffuser, plug it into your cigarette lighter outlet and away you go.

There is actually a USB diffuser you can plug into a computer or laptop as well. Great for working/offices. There is a solution for everything.

Another great time to use Geranium is while traveling. Traveling in general can be stressful but especially so with kids…

–       Give your hotel room a make-over with a spray mist: add 3 drops geranium, 2 drops lemon and 1 drop tea tree per ounce of water in spray bottle. Shake and spray throughout hotel room.

–       Sun care skin soother: add 3 drops geranium per application of an unscented lotion or aloe vera gel.

–       Decompress express for travelers: add 3 drops geranium to 1 tsp. almond oil and massage into temples and back of neck.

Have you tried Geranium oil yet?