5 Reasons to Love Fennel Essential Oil

5 Reasons to Love Fennel Essential Oil

top benefits of Fennel Essential OilI adore the smell of fennel. The taste is pretty good too but the aroma cannot be beat, especially for aromatic and aromatherapeutic reasons. I love fennel because it goes with a healthy digestive system like peas go with carrots. It is a key ingredient in one of my favorite essential oil blends…Digize, also known as my go-to for Wheat Belly. Fennel oil is all around helpful. Here are five reasons why I have come to love this oil.

Pleasant Periods – Okay I almost labeled this “perfect periods” but then thought better of it…periods and perfect do not belong together in one sentence. In general a woman does not enjoy menstruation, but fennel oil can make it more pleasant at least. If you are irregular, fennel oil might be able to help.

Pleasant Periods Compress

2 drops basil
2 drops fennel
2 drops melissa

Pleasant Periods Massage Oil

4 drops cypress
4 drops clary sage
2 drops fennel
2 T sweet almond oil or avocado oil


Goes with the Flow – If you are a nursing mom, fennel can help increase milk supply. You can cook it in meals, eat the seeds, and use fennel oil.

Nursing Mama Breast Massage Oil

5 drops fennel
2 T sweet almond oil or avocado oil


Digestive Ease – This wonderful oil soothes and regulates digestion.

Soothing Gut Compress

3 drops fennel
1 drop peppermint
6 drops rosemary
2 T sweet almond oil or avocado oil


Healthy Feet – If you want to improve circulation and blood flow to the feet or ease discomfort after a long hard day…fennel might just be what you need.

Happy Feet

5 drops cypress
5 drops fennel
1 T avocado oil


Cleanses and Releases – Fennel is great for lymphatic support. I myself need this support because I am missing most of my lower lymph nodes  (cancer). It is so easy for my feet, ankles, and legs to swell and retain water. But fennel gives my remaining lymph nodes the support they need to do their uphill battle.

Lymphatic Massage

6 drops fennel
3 clary sage
2 geranium
2 drops rosemary
2 T avocado oil or sweet almond

Try any of the above and you may come to love fennel oil too!

Start Your Oily Journey

1 Comment

  1. Wow, inspiring! I just purchased sage oil recently… Not easy to swallow even with a beverage haha but incredibly calming ! And finally received eucalyptus essential oil in mail today… My lifelong dream has been to move to Cali as an adult in her mid twenties (I’ll be 25 next April!!) because even with my grandparents gone for the past 11 or so years ; it’s home to me. And eucalyptus is the smell of Cali for me… I’m wondering if I can mix or dilute it a bit to get the natural light fragrance and if it has any incredible health restoration abilities like fennel! Thank you for this ! I had no idea about fennel and am new to essential oils ! Inspiring post! :} ????⚓️?✔️Xo, Holly

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