How to Save Money When Moving to a New Home

How to Save Money When Moving to a New Home

Moving to a new home can be a costly process. A lot of people need to save up for several months before they can even consider moving to a new place.

There are so many different fees and costs associated with the purchase of a property and the moving process itself. You need to book a removal van, pay for the solicitor’s fees, and get a paid home inspection done before you can successfully settle in your new property.

If you want to remodel your house after moving in, this will also add to your costs. Repapering the walls, redoing the bathroom, or changing the kitchen cabinets can all increase your total fees by thousands of dollars.

Although there are several expensive components of moving homes, there are lots of effective ways to cut costs and save money. Below, we’ve listed some of the best ways to save money when you’re moving to a new home.

Find the Best Moving Company

When you’re moving large pieces of furniture, you’ll need to book a removal van. Depending on how many boxes and large items you have, the price of the removal van can vary. However, doing in-depth research will help you to find the cheapest options.

When searching for a moving company, take a close look at each company’s online reviews to see if their previous customers have mentioned costs and fees. Call up several removal companies to get estimations and quotes that you can compare.

Different removal companies may charge less or more based on their size and reputation. Family-owned companies might charge extra for a more personal, hands-on approach or they might be cheaper because they’re relatively new and unknown.

Book the Cheapest Day to Move

Removal companies often charge more money for weekend services. They may also charge higher fees for late bookings.

Planning ahead and booking your removal van several weeks in advance could save you a lot of money. If possible, take a day off work and move on a day between Monday and Thursday to avoid excessive weekend fees.

Find Free Packaging Materials

Instead of buying brand-new plastic and cardboard boxes, try and find second-hand free packaging materials. Ask your friends and family members if they have any boxes left over from product deliveries or previous moves.

Alternatively, you can head to your local grocery stores or cafes and ask them if they’ve got any boxes leftover from deliveries.

Empty Your Cupboards Before You Move

You probably won’t want to take several boxes of packaged foods and cans with you to your new home. Ideally, you should try and use up everything in your fridge, freezer, and kitchen cupboards before your moving day so that none of it gets wasted.

In the week leading up to your move, avoid buying a lot of perishable food from the grocery store so you don’t end up throwing half of it away on your moving day.


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