It’s a Wrap – Stinky Bathrooms, Nature Stimulus, and Meatloaf

It’s a Wrap – Stinky Bathrooms, Nature Stimulus, and Meatloaf

TGIF! Have an awesome weekend everyone!

Occasionally I do a link round up to highlight all the cool stuff I have come across lately. It is also nice to do a more “fluffy” post when I am short on time and that I am right now. I leave this weekend for Detroit to attend Ford’s Innovation & Design Fantasy Camp and NAIAS, (#FordNAIAS). I was invited by Ford and they are putting me up while I am there. They also invited several of my green bloggy friends and we will hopefully get to pal around while there so I am very excited. I will get to see the entire design process from start to finish and see what they have planned as far as green technology goes.

Okay, so cool links…

Liked this short and sweet post from Ruth’s Real Food, Does Your Bathroom Stink? Don’t Buy Air Freshener. Change Your Diet. I have said to people before that if they are asking my advice about what natural deodorant to use that maybe they need to figure out what in their diet is making them stink in the first place. Sometimes I think that makes me come across a bit holier than thou I think… you know, like my you know what don’t stink. BUT honestly I find that I only smell bad if my diet has also been bad. The stinky bathroom issue is the same.

LOVE this link that shoes you how to make Upcycled Sweater Boots. Amazing!

Recently had a couple people ask me about what type of strainer to use for making Kefir since metal mesh strainers are generally considered a no-no. They are harder to find but you can get nylon mesh strainers. Here is one on Amazon.

A great article from Richard Louv: NATURE’S OWN STIMULUS PACKAGE: 7 Ways to Improve Our Lives in Tough Economic Times. When money is tight it is easy to feel like life sucks and we don’t have money to do anything fun. This is a very limited way to see things. “A nature stimulus package — may be just what the doctor and the economist ordered.”

I have been enjoying Simple Mom’s ebook One Bite at a Time – 52 Projects for Making Life Simpler. Perfect for the New Year! You can get it only for only $4.00 using code HAPPYNEWYEAR (till Jan. 10). It covers 52 common projects that many take on during the year, or attempt to, and helps you work through them in steps. It’s really a marvelous value for the price.

Others books I am reading include: Lights Out: Sleep, Sugar, and Survival and The Magnesium Miracle.

I made the primal meatloaf from this recipe and OH MY GOODNESS it was GOOD! There are apples in the meatloaf instead of crackers or bread. My kids devoured it and asked me to make it once a week at least. I am not big on using ground beef since my gall bladderless body can’t handle grease (ala no burgers for me) but this was not a problem with this dish. All the grease pooled around the meatloaf so I just pulled it out and let it drain a bit on a towel before serving. No tummy issues. On a side note I am wondering if I should be taking bile salts and digestive enzymes since I am eating a lot more fats and I have no gall bladder. This is something I need to research.

Soon we will be confronted with Thin Mints again. I appreciated this article Girl Scout Cookies or Chemicals? It has an ingredient list inside the post and boy oh boy are those babies bad for us. I think it is time we stop buying this processed crap and act like we are doing a GOOD thing for kids. Or maybe I am just bitter because I tried to get my daughter into Girl Scouts this year and was told they are full unless I want to become a leader and start my own troop.

Have a GREAT weekend all!



  1. sarah

    So, these cookies: are outrageous. I will admit, Liz Lovely cookies have loads of calories, and way too much sugar, but…it’s a cookie. I don’t work for L.L. but I do work at a cafe that sells them, these are by far the staff favorite. And to us, they are local :) sadly not for you, but they are worth the shipping!

  2. Anonymous

    I quit liking GS cookies when I realized how little money the girls actually get. The box may sell for $3 or $4 but (last I knew) they got as little as .50. Ridiculous.

  3. Anonymous

    Hi there! Thanks for linking to my post. I’m glad you liked it.

  4. Anonymous

    Hi there! Thanks for linking to my post. I’m glad you liked it.

  5. Anonymous

    Hi there! Thanks for linking to my post. I’m glad you liked it.

  6. Janae

    I too am gallbladderless!  And I take bile salts, 2 pills each day rotating them each day… ie day one – am, lunch, day two – am, dinner, day three – lunch, dinner and so on.  Without a gallbladder you have a higher risk of colon cancer and taking bile salts will help with this.  I am just starting my gluten free paleo/primal diet and feel so much better.  I am hoping to help cure my Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis by going gluten free. 

  7. Shannon93

    Check out Dr.Cate Shanahan’s blog. There is a post there about going paleo/primal without a gallbladder.

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