Americans throw away millions of dollars worth of food every year. This food ends up in dumpsters and garbage bins and eventually in landfills where it impacts the environment. It also impacts the environment when we have to keep growing more food than we actually need. Just think about all the energy used to grow crops and the taxation of the soil. Throwing food away is highly wasteful and hurtful to our planet. There is a movement out there that wants to change all that, and the movement is … [Read more...]
It’s a Wrap – Stinky Bathrooms, Nature Stimulus, and Meatloaf
TGIF! Have an awesome weekend everyone! Occasionally I do a link round up to highlight all the cool stuff I have come across lately. It is also nice to do a more "fluffy" post when I am short on time and that I am right now. I leave this weekend for Detroit to attend Ford's Innovation & Design Fantasy Camp and NAIAS, (#FordNAIAS). I was invited by Ford and they are putting me up while I am there. They also invited several of my green bloggy friends and we will hopefully get to pal around … [Read more...]
Freedom Gardens – Grow Your Own Food
I have been reading about WWII Victory/Freedom Gardens lately. I am not sure when the concept began but our history is rich with stories of people who used times of war and economic depression (like The Great Depression) to get proactive and start growing their own food. During WWII you could find posters encouraging you to start your own garden and avoid the restrictions of food rations and to become more self sufficient during those stressful times. Families grew their own food on what land … [Read more...]
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