Creamy French Toast Pancakes Recipe

Creamy French Toast Pancakes Recipe

One of the issues I have with hitting the gym (or a CrossFit class) in the early mornings is that it kind of screws up normal mealtimes. I also cannot eat a big meal before exercising or I will get crampy so most days I grab a Lara bar and call it my morning meal. Then when I get home I debate whether or not to fix a meal for myself (everyone is still sleeping) or snack until we can eat a meal together. Either way I usually have a cravings for breakfast style foods whether it is actually breakfast time or lunch. Pancakes is one thing I LOVE to eat post workout.

Today was one of those days when I just grabbed a banana and waited until lunch time before I made my first big meal of the day. I wanted a change of pace from our usual coconut pancakes but my order from Tropical Traditions arrived just as a I got home with Organic Maple Syrup. Yum! This is my fave maple syrup ever! So, to mix it up I made cheesy french toast pancakes. Okay the name is lame but they taste like french toast without the toast and in a pancake form with just a hint of fried cheesecake in the middle. Seriously good and they are grain free and lacto-paleo.

Creamy French Toast Pancakes Recipe

4 pastured eggs
8 ounces (one package) organic full fat cream cheese
1/4 tsp cinnamon
1 cap full pure vanilla
Coconut oil for cooking (we use Tropical Traditions coconut oil)
Pure maple syrup

Mix up in a good blender (I am partial to the Vita-Mix) and pour on to your cast iron skillet or griddle, aiming for pancakes about six inches in diameter. Use cooking oil to grease your pan/griddle if need be. Cook 2-3 minutes on each side. They will be a glorious golden brown. Top with pure maple syrup and enjoy!

This recipe makes about 15 thin pancakes and three of us gobbled them all up today so if you have a big family you may want to double this recipe.

Added to Traditional Tuesdays


  1. wow those look like real pancakes but no flour?! mmm… I’m gonna have to try them. 

  2. Justyna Pers

    Hello, could you tell me what you mean by ‘pure vanilla’? Thanks!

  3. Maggie Owens

    They look great! Makes me hungry. Will have to try them. Can I get the organic full fat creme cheese at the regular grocery store? I don’t think I’ve ever seen it.

    • You may need a health food store but my local Giant Eagle had some so I guess it just depends on the area you live.

  4. Wow, I’m with Jackie, do these really not have flour? Do you think you could make them with low fat cream cheese?

    • Yep, no flour and they would work just fine with low fat. I just don’t like low fat. ;)

  5. Lisakleinweber

    I’ve tried no flour pancakes with flax, but not cream cheese before.  I’ll have to try it.

  6. Lisakleinweber

    I’ve tried no flour pancakes with flax, but not cream cheese before.  I’ll have to try it.

  7. Diana Bartch

    These look fab! I’m going to try making them with my yogurt cheese, which is very similar to cream cheese. :)  Might make them a bit tangier, but then I don’t have to buy something special! :) 

  8. I have a grandie who cannot eat flour, so this is great.  I must say, I’m also looking forward to trying it.  Thanks!

  9. Anonymous

    Hmmmm; now, this is interesting.  I commented a couple ‘uh minutes ago an’ everything was fine.  Then, in an effort to see my little red curls, I edited my Disqus profile.  That’s when my last comment disappeared.  Cue Twilight Zone music an’ keep an eye on me, in case I pull another disappearing act, okie-dokie?

    I love this recipe!  One of my grandies cannot eat flour, so this is really gonna’ help… a LOT ! ! !  Thank you!

  10. fruitlush

    amazing. Never thought I can’t make one without flour. Now I know I can. lol. Thanks a lot!

  11. Thanks for this. I’m trying to put my picky eater on lacto-Paleo, and he loved these!

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