I think I may need to do a once monthly column on new food products I have reviewed. Lately here I have been getting more and more food product pitches from companies and have been pleasantly surprised to find some really good eats among the offerings. I don't buy processed foods all that often but a I do buy some for convenience's sake if they are healthy enough to justify it. Some of my recent discoveries wowed me enough to ensure that I will keep buying. The first product I have to mention … [Read more...]
Homemaker Resources for Natural Moms
I just wanted to let you all know about two new or new-to-me resources for natural families that I like. First off the Holistic Moms Network, of which I am a fan, has released a new cookbook. It is called "Growing Healthy Families". The cookbook is comprised of recipes submitted by holistic and health conscious moms and compiled to make an awesome resource for other moms wanting to cook healthy meals for their family. Growing Healthy Families showcases a variety of nutritional philosophies … [Read more...]
Healthy Grass-fed Beef
Beef from a cow raised on pasture is a safer choice than feedlot beef, offers richer flavor and more nutrition, and is even healthier for you than a chicken breast. Here are five benefits of eating pasture-raised cattle: Grass-fed beef is one-third to three times leaner than conventional grain-fed beef, and as a consequence has fewer calories, too. Grass-fed beef has two to four times more essential omega-3 fatty acids than feedlot beef. It also contains more beta carotene, vitamin E and … [Read more...]
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