Essential oils for winter driving? Uh What? Yes, when winter finally reared it head this week in the form of snow flurries my mind automatically wandered to essential oils. Why? Because I HATE driving in bad weather. It make me so anxious that I actually avoided it for seven years after moving to Ohio. I only drove on snowy, icy roads maybe once or twice in seven years, until last year when my schedule and lifestyle began to require driving in it almost daily. All winter long I agonized over … [Read more...]
A Minimalist Approach to Toy Clutter
How many times have you been frustrated with your child for allowing their toys to be strewn all over the household? How many times have you found your child’s toys in your way when you were in a hurry or trying to accomplish some household task? How many times this month have you had to argue with a child about the disaster area that is their bedroom? Toy clutter is a big problem in the typical American household. We live in a society of excess and amassing huge quantities of toys is just … [Read more...]
I am Thankful
It is amazing how often we can let life's little problems blind us to all the wonderful things we have. In general I am a pretty thankful and optimist in my thinking about life but I think everyone can be guilty of getting caught up in all the things that stress us and cause anxiety and we forget to relish in the all the things that are good and right. On the eve of Thanksgiving I write out my annual list of all the things I am most grateful for this year... I am THANKFUL to be 6 … [Read more...]
Yoga Poses Can Be Done Without Even Leaving Your Desk
The following is a guest post by Dahn Yoga. If you are like me and spend far too much time at a computer, maybe some of these yoga poses will be helpful. People who sit in front of computers all day often underestimate the number of things they can do right in their own office to alleviate stress once the tension begins to rise. There's no need to grit your teeth and bear it, because yoga poses to reduce anxiety can be done without leaving your desk. The mountain pose – perhaps the most … [Read more...]
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