If you have been reading this blog for any length of time then you know I am a big time movie fan. My first job was at a movie theater (which I then became manager of) and this was by design because a job perk that I got to see as many free movies as I wanted...me and unlimited friends and family. For years I saw just about every movie released. I often think it would be nice to get a movie theater job again because movies have become so expensive. Heck, I would gladly take on a part … [Read more...]
Style Essentials Makeup & Organic Skincare Review
Over the years that I have written here on this blog I have rarely reviewed makeup or skincare items. I have turned down opportunities to review products along these lines somewhere in triple digit amounts. The reason for this is simple...I rarely if ever wore makeup, creams, lotions, or other skin enhancement products. I didn't want to devote the time to skincare products and makeup application and since the world of beauty ingredients is so confusing and potentially toxic it just seemed a … [Read more...]
Letting Go of Worry
I am a worrier. BIG time. It started when I was a child and I worried about grades, tests, what people thought of me, giving speeches in my ministry school, ect. I think it had a lot to do with the fact that my father was a minister and an elder in our church and my mother was a full time missionary. It was drilled into me that any misstep on my part could mean I stumbled someone else and they would lose their everlasting inheritance. That is a lot of pressure for a kid and I became perpetually … [Read more...]
Raising Minimalist Children in a Society of Excess
There is a growing trend toward minimalism and voluntary simplicity. I have written about it many times here. We made a huge leap towards minimalism and a more simple life last year. We moved from a large house in the suburbs to a small 1000 square foot house in the city. We downgraded to one car and we got rid of 50% of our belongings. You kind of have to when you move into a smaller place. It was a wonderful experience and has helped us see more clearly what kind of life we want to shape. We … [Read more...]
Turning Around the Unsustainable American Dream
This weekend I had a chance to read The Cul-de-Sac Syndrome - Turning Around the Unsustainable American Dream by John F. Wasik. It was a timely read as it has much to so with the current economic situation and what got us here but it is short on political blame and deals more with the attitudes and ideals that have permeated within the American mindset and how that has caused a lot of trouble for us. It talks quite a bit in the early chapters about the housing bubble and it was incredibly … [Read more...]
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