Kit's Organic fruit and nut bars appear to be CLIFs version of the all popular LaraBar. Up until these, CLIF was mostly offering grain based protein bars for active folks and a specialty brand of the same for women. I am not a fan because they have grains and they have soy. It was one these brands actually that I started consuming shorty before my thyroid disaster. When CLIF contacted me about trying these bars I was a nano second away from hitting delete when I saw that these were fruit and nut … [Read more...]
Another Reason to Love My Bazura Bags
Last year I got some Bazura Bags to use for packed lunches. We like them quite a bit for that use, the kids especially. A lunch bag made of recycled juice bags just has a cool factor I guess. I like them for quickie lunches on the go because they have carrying handles and it looks like a purse. Well, I am finding another wonderful use for them that makes them a bit superior to our other lunch bags/boxes... we can use them for food storage when not in use. The medium size Bazura has become my … [Read more...]
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