We will never be a TV free family. We enjoy our televisions and our gaming consoles here. We also have smart phones, tablets, and rokus. These are modern luxuries that we happen to love. It is all about keeping things in perspective though. Sometimes we need to do a technology cleanse (or detox) if usage is getting out of hand. We also need to remember that life should be experienced with all of our senses and not just viewed with a screen. Kids may need assistance from mom and dad with this … [Read more...]
Go Green Get Fit – Week Five – My Fave Fitness Blogs
This week was a bit of a let down in that I did not get to workout as much as I wanted to. Much of this was because my CrossFit box had a wonky schedule due the CrossFit Games in LA this past week. Our box had a competitor, Marcus Hendren, in the games and several of the coaches went with him. He finished in 7th place, which makes him the 7th fittest person on earth, or so they say. His performance was way awesome! On Monday I was doing the WOD and looked over to see him doing lunges right next … [Read more...]
Do You Play With Your Kids?
This is week two of the attachment parenting discussion between Green Moms Weekly... all in honor of Attachment Parenting month. The question this week is: What are some fun, simple, activities that you engage your children with? I have to admit that I am not terribly great at "play". I do lots of stuff with my kids and I am a very attentive and involved parents but actually playing with my kids has always been a struggle for me. Sure we play around often with tickling or thumb wars, little … [Read more...]
Haba Board Games
The kids and I spent lots of time playing together over the weekend. After all, it is almost time to get back to the business of school. So, we kicked off the weekend by playing two new games. Monopoly and Battleship are okay I guess but my two smallest kiddos like to play something unique and usually something that involves animals. I like games that involve strategy and aren't too commercial in nature. Both of these games were a perfect fit for us. The first we played was Tier auf Tier. … [Read more...]
Green Games for Earth Day and Beyond
Looks like I have some new games to add to my mammoth post on green board games. Educational Insights was kind enough to send me a trio of their educational, green games for my children and I to play with for Earth Week and beyond. All 3 games are printed with vegetable ink on recycled paper. They have wood and paper pieces, no plastic and they are really rather sparse in gadgets and "stuff" overall. They are very much minimalist games. Another plus is that all three have a nature theme going … [Read more...]
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