Perfume for Babies????

Perfume for Babies????

I was completely shocked to read yesterday that a company actually plans to make perfumes for babies. WTH??? Babies already have such a sweet and unique smell. Why on earth…
Scents That Make Better Sense

Scents That Make Better Sense

I used to be a big time perfume lover. All throughout my teens and early adult years I wore Elizabeth Arden's Red Door perfume. Just ask my husband, he is…

Weekend Listening

Whole Foods Market is running a 3-part podcast series promoting the "Premium Body Care" standard they have created, and the importance of know what is in your Body Care products.…
The Toxic Bubble Bath Debate

The Toxic Bubble Bath Debate

Several years ago when I was fairly new to natural & green parenting, a good friend told me to avoid using conventional baby products where my newborn daughter was concerned. This meant ix-nay on…