With a pregnancy often times comes the realization that babies are expensive. But is that really true? Does having a baby automatically mean you have to kiss your money goodbye? In my opinion the answer is NO. Green moms are way ahead of the curve when it comes to raising baby on the cheap. The old saying applies equally to "stuff" we accumulate when raising children... "Use it Up, Wear It Out, Make It Do, or Do Without". There is no reason we need to fall victim to the marketing hype that … [Read more...]
He’s Not Autistic, but…
I read a really powerful and valuable book for parents this week called He's Not Autistic, But... How We Pulled Our Son From the Mouth of the Abyss by Tenna Merchent, M.H. I was initially drawn to this book because 1. The author's son was on the autism spectrum like mine and 2. the author believes that vaccines caused or at the very least greatly exacerbated her son's condition just like I believe was the case with my son. The author shares her journey to heal her son in non-conventional and … [Read more...]
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