Neem is a tree in the Mahogany family and all parts of this tree, oil, bark, leaves and fruit, have long been used for medicinal purposes in India. The health benefit claims of Neem range from helping dry skin to treatment of diabetes and certain kinds of cancers. Unfortunately, there have been few scientific studies done on the various components of this tree so there is little scientific evidence to support the health benefit claims of Neem. However, when you look at the fact that Neem is … [Read more...]
Natural Remedies for Dry Skin
Winter time is famous for dry skin. Even though I am venting my dryer indoors and the windows are usually all steamy my youngest and I are still having dry skin issues. If you have dry skin, you know that it’s not just annoying and kinda gross looking, it can also be incredibly uncomfortable. Your face feels tight and your lips may get chapped and your body itches. Conventional moisturizers are a waste of time usually, in my experience at least. The reason may be that the moisturizers simply … [Read more...]
How to Add Humidity to Your Dry Home
Do you feel that yet? The dry winter weather that gives you chapped lips and uber dry skin? In the winter, the air gets very dry and cold, and forced-air heat can make the air inside our homes uncomfortably dry. That kind of desert-like air can be hard on our bodies, drying skin and mucus membranes, making us more susceptible to colds and other respiratory ailments. Super-dry air can also damage the structure of your home, causing cracks in drywall and gaps in floor joints (dryness causes wood … [Read more...]
A Rawesome Update
Just an update on my rawesome journey with raw foods. I am really thinking of staring a separate blog to discuss all this on a naturemoms subdomain but for now here is my progress. I am feeling AMAZING! The other morning my family was eating breakfast with my parents and this is how the conversation went with my Dad: Dad: You look really great. Is it that raw foods thing? Me: Yes, I feel really good....lots of energy. Dad: You look seem really alert and your skin looks really … [Read more...]
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