Every day there is more research being released about the dangers of soy in the diet, and if you aren’t already concerned about what has been discovered, the newest research will have you looking at soy in a whole new (and not necessarily good) way. I have long stayed away from soy but sadly in March 2011 I started eating some soy and did not even realize it... the results of this little oops have been a complete nightmare, but more on that later... A Short History of Soy Soy is a rather … [Read more...]
Illegal Discussion Part Four
This is part four of my discussion of Everything I Want to Do Is Illegal. Read part one here. Chapter 13 relates the story of how Salatin’s county tried to make it illegal to use a sawmill on agricultural property. For a farmer with over 400 acres of woodlands this represented a problem. Salatin was the only person to speak against this proposed ordinance and managed to get the county to change the language so that farmers could mill their own wood on their own property. However, Salatin … [Read more...]
Become a Farmer
Perhaps you imagine that to be a farmer you must have a hundred acres of tillable land, a big red barn, cows grazing in a green field, rows of corn and a big flock of chickens in the barnyard. Yes, this is the most popular image conjured when one thinks of farming but it is only one version of farm life. Nowadays many people have added a few chickens to their household so they can enjoy farm fresh eggs. Others are growing green bean and strawberries in their backyard gardens. These may not be … [Read more...]
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