When it comes to Government legislation I don't tow any particular party line. I like to look at each situation individually and make up my mind. That means I may end up voting against implementing something like a smoking ban in bars (even though I think the habit is beyond disgusting) because I don't feel my it's my right to make a private business owner do things my way and I can always opt out of bar hopping if I want to limit exposure right? If I lived in California I would have … [Read more...]
Prop 37 Was Defeated But We Still Have 3 Votes a Day
Last night (election night) was a very exciting night but also frustrating at the same time. I am pretty darn happy with how everything went down from the Presidential election to the Senate race in my state of Ohio. Over the moon in fact. Yet I am also very saddened and frustrated with how Prop 37 went down in California. A yes vote on Prop 37 would have meant that GMO foods would have to be labeled in that state. Californians would now know for sure if they were eating GMO foods. It seems like … [Read more...]
Shopping At Farmer’s Markets with Food Stamps
An article on the NY Daily News caught my eye today about young adults without kids using their food stamps at local farmer's markets to buy farm fresh veggies, local honey, baked goods, and wild caught rabbit meat and salmon. Surprisingly the article did not insinuate that somehow accepting food stamps makes you only deserving of Twinkies and Ramen noodles like I thought it would... of course the comments are a different story. I liked this article because I think allowing people to use … [Read more...]
Does Food Really Matter?
This morning I watched an incredible documentary called Food Matters. I was enthralled from the first few opening seconds and hooked until the credits. I even watched the credits because they had some background music lyrics that were interesting too. This film is all about the “you are what you eat” concept. Doctors today don’t receive very much training in nutrition and most patients believe there is a pill that cures everything. IMO and the opinion of the makers of this film…that is … [Read more...]
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