Autumn is a magical time of year. With the leaves turning color and falling in great heaps; with the harvests being gathered in and plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables available for turning into delicious dinners; with county fairs in full swing and the prospects of holidays like Halloween and Thanksgiving on the horizon, Fall is perhaps one of the richest seasons. The colors, the textures, the tastes, all of them combine to make you want to just laugh out loud as your scuff through the leaf … [Read more...]
How to Green Your Next Dinner Party
As more and more people are going green in their own homes and lifestyle choices, why not include entertainment? For your next dinner party, try a green theme. Yes, some friends might be afraid you will make them eat tofu and cardboard or play Scrabble by the light of a solar lamp but this would be a great opportunity to show them how fun and easy it is to go green. Here are some ideas for keeping it fun and eco friendly. * Invitations - This is an easy one in this day of Internet savvy and … [Read more...]
Natural Solutions for Acne
It is a sad reality that for many adults acne is not something that went away along with those awkward teen years. It can plague skin for years after puberty and those hormonal years. Many adults find that acne returns when the hormones do, as with pregnancy. Others find that it may be less dramatic than when they were younger but it never went completely away. This condition can make you feel awful and can put a real dent in yourself esteem and social life. This is made even worse when you’re … [Read more...]
Homemaker Resources for Natural Moms
I just wanted to let you all know about two new or new-to-me resources for natural families that I like. First off the Holistic Moms Network, of which I am a fan, has released a new cookbook. It is called "Growing Healthy Families". The cookbook is comprised of recipes submitted by holistic and health conscious moms and compiled to make an awesome resource for other moms wanting to cook healthy meals for their family. Growing Healthy Families showcases a variety of nutritional philosophies … [Read more...]
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