During warmer months it is easy to send kids outdoors for some fun in the sun and fresh air. Bike riding, tree climbing, soccer, hopscotch, and dozens of other outdoor activities provide children with hours upon hours of creative play that is healthy for their bodies and mind. Less than favorable weather such as rain and extreme cold may present a problem at times though and moms need to get creative in helping their kids to find productive play activities. In an age where video games and TV can … [Read more...]
Summer Co-Ops – What Are They?
This is the time of year when you are bombarded with all kinds of local summer camp offerings. Summer time isn't vacation time for many parents and you either have to find ways to keep kids occupied or maybe you just want to occasionally. No parent wants to hear the dreaded "Mom, I'm bored!" from their kids. I am one of those mean moms that tells my kids to get creative and use their imagination if they are bored. I don't feel as though it is my job to entertain them. Yet, I do want to … [Read more...]
Imagination in a Box
I have posted about cardboard toys a couple times before.. I just love em! In addition to being fun they are essentially an eco friendly arts and crafts project as well as a toy. We recently got to review some of the cardboard play houses from the Imagination Box Company and while they aren't as original as say the cardboard tree house or the castle we got this year... I am liking these better. For one thing they keep it simple! The instructions on some of these cardboard toys can be very … [Read more...]
How to be a Playful Parent
Parenting is a full time job. Changing diapers, organizing car pools or even managing daily affairs is not easy. Then of course add to that the worries of the future! No wonder some parents are so stressed out. They take it so seriously that they forget to smile and laugh with their children. Many expecting mothers glow with the thought of having a “little bundle of joy” and fantasize about how they will build their lives with the baby. However, the moment the baby is born, the parents … [Read more...]
Do You Teach Your Kids to Share?
Okay...time for a little admission here. I do not really teach my kids to share...there I said it. Most of you already know I am not a very conventional parent and one of the things that has always bothered me about conventional parenting wisdom is the whole sharing mandate. Kids have to share we are told. But I never really got this because I do not believe in having double standards where kids are concerned...aka mommy can hit you but you can't hit me...or your sister, or you can't throw a … [Read more...]
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