If you have a baby on the way or your little bundle is already here then no doubt you want to ensure you have a green friendly and non-toxic nursery—read on! In these days of eco consciousness, for us to keep our children’s world as safe as we can, we need to start in our home and what better place than your baby’s first environment (after the womb of course)? Perhaps you don't have a separate nursery because you co-sleep. That great! We just need to make sure all of baby's hangouts are safe as … [Read more...]
Rainbow Spaghetti for Sensory Play
My husband and I took our six year old kiddo to an Early Learning class at our local Science Center this morning. It was oodles of fun for all but out of the five learning/fun stations available my son would only participate in one. It was the one that had bugs of course...cockroaches, worms, and banana slugs. Once he saw those he didn't care to play with paints, ooblek, blocks, etc. Nothing else could compete with bugs. I could not resist the rainbow spaghetti sensory tub however and I think … [Read more...]
Easter Basket Gift Ideas
Easter products are hard to miss when you stop by the store these days. From plastic grass to cream filled chocolate eggs, the stuff is everywhere. But if you eschew all that plastic crap and you don't particularly want your kids to have all that processed sugar what do you? Well, to start you need to pass by those prepackaged Easter baskets and make your own. It's easy! Here are some ideas on what you can add to make your child's Easter basket natural, eco friendly, and most important... fun … [Read more...]
GLOB Natural Paints
Painting outside on the porch is what my kiddos spent most of this gorgeous day doing. I made some paper dolls for my daughter using some Trader Joe's bags I have had laying around for a couple months. After cutting them out I set all the kids up with some natural paints from GLOB. My youngest boy just painted on paper and my oldest painted a cardboard house. The paints use plant materials for their color... pomegranate, blueberry, tangerine, basil, plum, and lemon verbena. They even have … [Read more...]
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