The Patagonia brand is no stranger to me. They have a reputation for being a very green and ethical company and their products are a reflection of that. They are also widely known by outdoor enthusiasts since so many of their products are geared towards fitness and outdoor play, whether it be their shoes or their clothing. I have wanted a try a pair of their hiking shoes for a long time and actually had a few of their products bookmarked in my web browser in preparation for purchasing a good … [Read more...]
Introducing City Kids to Mother Nature
Exposing our kids to nature and outdoor play is pretty easy if you live in a rural area. My first kiddo was raised for five years mountainside in Arizona with hundreds of acres of state land all around us. Our biggest concern was not making sure he got acquainted with Mother Nature but rather making sure Mother Nature's wondrous rattlesnakes didn't bite him and that he didn't fall down an abandoned mine shaft. Then we moved to a working farm in Ohio and my kids (two by then) loved that. But … [Read more...]
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