We need to be concerned with the air quality in our homes because we spend so much time in them. Studies have shown that indoor air can be even more polluted than what we face outside. The EPA says it is 2-5x times more polluted. Why is this? Well, inside we have close proximity to all the dirt, chemicals, and germs we track inside, pet dander, dust mites, mold, VOCs from paint, and other compounds that off-gas from the furniture and others possession we have inside our home. In winter this is … [Read more...]
Meat – Is it Bad for the Planet?
Two years ago...even last year, I would have defended my meat loving ways until the cows came home. ;) But as I go further along in this great green journey it gets harder and harder for me to justify eating meat. The statistics for environmental devastation just get more and more depressing. The meat eating habit is killing this planet and I think it is time for more green folks to own up to that instead of treat it like the elephant in the room that everyone wants to ignore. Just look at some … [Read more...]
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