Above: Stephanie (right, photo credit) and I with The Lorax! I posted part one of my BlogHer 12 adventure last week. I need to post the rest of it now before I forget all the little details. They are already getting hazy! After sight seeing for a day and a half, the parties started. On Thursday night I went to a Stonyfield Yogurt cocktail party at Rouge Tomate (near Central Park). Afterwards I went to what turned out to be the highlight of my trip, a screening of the movie Toxic … [Read more...]
The Cure – Heal Your Body, Save Your Life
Do you believe in destiny? Maybe the law of attraction? Sometimes destiny or a higher power driving our actions seems the most plausible explanation and I had a freaky experience with it last weekend. I spent a Thursday night reading a book called The Cure - Heal Your Body, Save Your Life. I was so engrossed that I stayed up very late reading it and occasionally woke my hubby up to tell him about something I read. I felt like I was reading the most important book out there about health and … [Read more...]
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