When it comes to gifts I am all about the experience rather than "the stuff". In fact, unless it is vintage Pyrex or Le Creuset I think I would rather not have to find a place for new trinkets, gadgets, or other products. I try to live with simplicity and minimalism in mind. I am constantly decluttering and pairing down. Accepting gifts that I don't absolutely need makes me a bit anxious. It makes me that way because I am worried about where I will keep it (whatever it is) that is out of the way … [Read more...]
The Emma Gatewood Project – An Amazing Hiking Mom
I don't usually post about all the various pitches and requests I get (via this blog) that are seeking donations to further a cause or a charity. If the cause sounds good I might tweet about it or post on Facebook but I get so many of these requests and I don't want to inundate everyone with them. But this week one caught and held my attention. It wasn't about clean water for third world children or feeding the homeless but it is still something that pulled on my heartstrings and made me open my … [Read more...]
Win a $100 Whole Foods Gift Card
TGIF! Have an awesome weekend everyone! I don't usually link to giveaways like this but in this economy I know some people could really use an extra $100 towards healthier foods. It is all too easy to tighten your wallet and put the more expensive but healthier and organic foods on the chopping block. As part of its "Be Good to Your Whole Body" campaign, for the month of October, Whole Foods Market has created podcasts focusing on maintaining a healthy mood. As the seasons change, these … [Read more...]
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