Soda is one those hot button topics for many. Health minded parents think of it as thorn in their side...something always there to tempt kids into drinking tons of sugar. Many people could care less and they happily consume it in mass quantities and cry foul whenever legislation arises to tax it or limit it. It is a hot topic because it is a hugely controversial product and hugely unhealthy. Now this is not to say that my own kids never have soda. In fact they do. It is our rule that soda is … [Read more...]
5 Ways to Channel Your Inner Farm Girl When You Live in the City
Not all of us can live in the country raising chickens and growing all of our own food. Some of us more natural mamas choose to live in the city, either because we have to or we just want to. But that does not mean we don't also value the same things and want the same things for our lives and family, it just means we have to approach these things differently. If we don't have land of our own to plant rows of corn... we can look for a community garden where we can or perhaps we patronize the … [Read more...]
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