Homeschool Resources and Help
Whether you are new to homeschooling or a seasoned
pro, chances are you'll always need and be on the At the time of this writing, a Google search using the keyword phrase ‘homeschooling resources’ resulted in over 3 MILLION hits. You will quickly discover that there are websites on every topic imaginable, for every age group. Regardless of your needs, you will have no problem locating the teaching aids that best meet your requirements. There are sites that offer low cost or no cost worksheets and lesson planning materials. There are both vendors and online schools that offer top-notch curriculum packages and programs that cater to every budget. Visit your local library, bookstore or There are many very informative books which have been written on the subject of homeschooling. Together with all available materials on subjects you are planning to teach, putting together your own curriculum package is probably easier than you think. If you choose the library option, consider books that feature worksheets, blank maps and other teaching materials that can easily be duplicated, for just the cost of making the copies. Join a homeschool discussion group or forum. There is a wealth of great groups out there. Doing a Yahoo groups search will yield hundreds of possibilities in every area of the country. You will become acquainted with families who are new to homeschooling and families who have been learning at home, for years. Browse popular online auction sites or sites that strictly sell used curriculum. You will discover almost every teaching aid you’ll ever need, most at a fraction of the original cost. Another resource that you might not be aware of is your local school district. By law, districts must allow homeschooled children to participate in extra-curricular activities such as band, sports and drama. The majority of time, you will be required to provide transportation, but that is a small price for the benefits your child will receive. There are several print magazines that are geared toward homeschooling. They feature write-ups on almost every aspect of teaching your children, at home. Many of these articles are written by parents, well versed in regard to homeschooling methods and more than eager to share their knowledge.
Homeschool Articles and Resources: