I don’t think anyone is overly worried about having to toss out their chewing gum when they are done with it since I am sure that most gum is completely biodegradable, but we came across a web site that shows how and artist uses chewed up gum for his artwork and thought you might get a kick out of it.
The artist is Jason Kronenwald of Gum Blondes and artwork is made from 100% chewing gum on a plywood backing. The color mixing takes place in the mouth when his “team” chews up gum from a variety of companies in many different flavors. His favorite gum to work with is Trident…although he doesn’t do the chewing himself. His work is really quite amazing, even if it is a little too focused on Brittney Spears.
So I wonder if he takes gum donations from those who would want to recycle their gum for the benefit of art.