A Chlorine-Free Swimming Pool

A Chlorine-Free Swimming Pool

chlorine free pool

I came across a great article recently about how Debra Lynn Dadd (a personal hero of mine) decided to install an above ground pool at her home and care for it without using chlorine.

Why you ask? Chlorine is a very toxic chemical that is easily absorbed through the skin. And our bodies absorb much more chlorine and other chemicals through the skin than from actually drinking the water. In addition to the toxicity of the chlorine itself, chlorine in the presence of any organic compound (including leaves and other plant material, insects, and human bodies) turns into carcinogenic trihalomethanes, which include chloroform.

But as Debra pointed out, a swimming pool is like a large pond, and if left alone, nature will take its course and the pool will turn into a large pond, complete with scum and frogs and fish and everything else that lives in a pond.

Debra decided to use a unique system designed by a friend of hers. Instead of putting toxic chemicals like chlorine or bromine in the water to kill disease-causing organisms, this program restructures and oxygenates the water into a liquid that is actually beneficial to health, while at the same time being an environment in which disease-causing organisms will not survive.

This is accomplished by using a specific water conditioner and technical grade hydrogen peroxide (35%). While this hydrogen peroxide is a very dangerous oxidant at this concentration (it can burn the skin and blind the eye), when diluted in the pool, it simply adds oxygen to the water.

The water conditioner is a small pipe that is attached to the plumbing so the pool water continually cycles through it. Within the pipe is a core made of precious and semi-precious metals which adds a very small charge of electricity to the water as it flows through. The minerals in the water become 400 times smaller, resulting in water that feels very soft and silky, without adding salt or other water softening chemicals.

Between the water conditioner and the hydrogen peroxide, the water in Debra’s pool is clear, fresh, soft, and alive with oxygen.

Read/watch more specifics about this alternative way of caring for pools without harsh chemicals here:

Natural Swimming Pools: Inspiration For Harmony With Nature
Natural Swimming Pools: A Guide to Building
Natural Swimming Pools: A Guide to Designing & Building Your Own (DVD)