My first day of Chemotherapy went pretty smoothly…that is until late that first night. Despite the anti-nausea medication they gave me before they started the Chemo, I was hugging porcelain last night and even throwing up blood. I am now even more terrified about what this Chemo is doing to my body and this is only the beginning.
All the Doctors and nurses seem to think I should be able to fly right through this due to my age and relative healthfulness but last night was really rough and this morning is not so great either. I just want to crawl back to bed and hope I can fall asleep so I won’t have to feel this way anymore. BUT alas, I have to go back to the Doctor today to get my Chemo fanny pack refilled for yet another day and night of this torture. They are going to have to drag me back for another round in two weeks I am thinking. :(
I will say thank god for my parents though who have swiftly moved in for my Chemo Days and relegated me to the guest room while they sleep in my room with all three of my kids. They are the most amazing, astounding, wonderful people on the planet!