Often times I wonder where all of my passions will ultimately lead me. I am very passionate about so many things I just wonder which one deserves the most cultivation and care so that I can truly make an impact…leave my mark. I am passionate about children, the environment, the organic movement, sustainable agriculture, ecologically and socially “fair” food, eating local, and art among other things. So when I dream of what I want my life to be I have a hard time picking a path and sticking with it….I just know I want to DO more.
Today, with the help of Kammie Kobyleskis wonderfully insightful Passion Meets Purpose Blog I have been thinking about all the things I want to do and I really must sit down and figure out which one is the most important to me and then just go for it.
For instance, do I pursue that graphics art or programming degree that appeals to the techno nerd side of me?
Or do I pursue my dream to buy a large amount of land and start my own community supported agriculture program?
Along with that can I pursue that horticulture degree that I want?
Do I put all my efforts into starting that non-profit organization that would provide aid for people who find themselves diagnosed with cancer and no monetary means of seeking treatment?
So many things to be passionate about but I will not likely be able to do them all. Or can I? Wow, this one is going to keep the wheels turning all night.