Tell the FDA No Clones

Remeber Erin’s post about the FDA getting ready to approve allowing milk, eggs and meat from cloned animals into our food supply and that there would be no required labeling on these products that are coming from cloned animals? Well here is another opportunity to do something baout his important issue.

Well the FDA is taking comments on this issue until April 2. Given that researchers do not understand many of the health problems that arise throughout the lifecycles of cloned animals, the FDA acted irresponsibly in assuming that the foods produced from these animals are safe for humans to eat. According to Ian Wilmut, the leader of the team of scientists that cloned the sheep Dolly, determining the health impacts of food derived from clones must be based on the animals’ complete health profiles. Such studies have not been done.

The Center for Food Safety has called on FDA to ban the use of clones in food production until the food safety and animal cruelty problems in cloning have been resolved, and until public discussions have addressed the troubling ethical issues that cloning brings. They also call on FDA, in the event that these pre-conditions can be met, to require labeling of food from animal clones.

Send a letter to the FDA

Send a letter to your local media

The picture below is from their web site and is pretty telling if you ask me. Yuck!

No Cloned Milk