Want to exercise but lack time and ideas? These routines can be performed at home, in a hotel room, or on your lunch break. Let’s get started.
1. Weight training. For the upper body, choose a light weight, say one to five pounds. Begin with the bicep curl. The bicep is the two headed muscle on the front of the upper arm. It works to bend the arm forward at the elbow. The triceps is the three headed muscle on the back of the upper arm. They serve to lift the arm straight out behind you. The shoulders are next. There are three heads: the front, medial, and rear deltoid. Front and side dumbbell raises work the first two parts of the deltoid muscle. Bent dumbbell flyes work the rear deltoid muscle. To work the chest, butterflies performed with the dumbbells hit both the major and minor portion. Three sets of eight repetitions performed for two exercises per body part will equal up to a total upper body workout that can be done in twenty minutes.
The same principle can be applied to the lower body but using heavier weights. The quadriceps muscle of the front thigh has four heads that move the body along when walking. Squats and lunges work the quadriceps muscle. For the back of the legs, the hamstrings, rear leg curls isolate this muscle for a shapely appearance. Sitting or standing calf raises shape the muscle known as the gastrocnemius. Leg curls from an all fours position on the floor, with the weight held firmly in the bend of the leg isolates the gluteus muscle. Three sets of ten repetitions performed for one exercise per body part can be done in twenty minutes.
Weight training is indeed one of the more intense exercises out there. It’s natural to feel pain after the activity, especially if it’s your first time lifting weights. You can go to a chiropractor or buy a massage ball that this chiropractor may recommend. This equipment has many variations, including those that offer hot and cold treatments for sore muscles.
2. Outdoor Activities. If you have a neighborhood, twenty minutes, and a clear day, then you have a workout. Start out slow to warm-up and then kick it in gear. Walking works all the muscle groups of the body. Avoid rocky terrain or uneven pavement. They could cause injuries to the ankles and the knees.
3. Dance. All you need is a CD player. Dancing works the entire body and the abdominal region in particular. With all the new dance steps today, you need a strong core just to perform them. Dancing is fun and the beat of the music keeps the body energized and motivated. Create a CD of your favorite fast-paced tunes. Whenever you have twenty free minutes, get moving to the beat and burn some calories.
All exercise has health benefits even if its for only twenty minutes a day. Pick one thats interesting and you will be more likely to stick with it over the long term. If none of these catch your eye, think up your own.