The Sealerz company recently sent me some samples of their reseal tabs. Basically these little 3×1 pieces of tape are meant to reseal food bags such as prepacked salad bags, coffee bags, frozen food bags, bags or crackers, etc. The idea is that if you reseal what the product came in then you will not use zippered plastic bags.
This product really isn’t a good fit for me. I don’t buy much processed food like prepackaged salad and if I did buy a bag of pasta I would put any remaining contents into a glass jar and not a zippered baggie. So right away I could see that this product wouldn’t really have a place in my home. Also, if I did decide to reseal food bags I would probably opt for a piece of scotch tape as I already have that around the house or I might use a stainless steel bag clip from Green Feet. They are sturdy and will not break easily like their plastic counterparts.
So while I applaud any product that might reduce the consumption of plastic bags this isn’t likely one of the products that I would use personally.