If you’re the type that’s always on the lookout for ways to ensure that you are living a more eco-friendly lifestyle you won’t be surprised to find that living in a more eco-conscious way goes hand and hand with having a sustainable kitchen. Give composting a whirl Instead of shipping off all your leftover food and garbage disposal scraps to the landfill, you can turn it into compost instead. Compost is vital a source of rich ingredients that can be used for planting gardens. First you’ll … [Read more...]
Los Angeles Bans Plastic Shopping Bags!
Way to go Los Angeles!! As of yesterday they have become the largest US city to ban plastic shopping bags, joining other eco conscious cities like Seattle and San Francisco. They have taken a stand and declared that consumer convenience can not be placed before the environment and plastic bags are a serious environmental problem. According to Business Week: The Los Angeles City Council voted 9-1 to require stores that make more than $2 million a year or occupy retail space … [Read more...]
Steps You Can Take to Kick the Plastics Habit
Plastics. I can hardly say the word without making the "yuck" face. Don't get me wrong I understand that plastics have done some wondrous things for us, especially in medicine and in medical devices. But plastics are EVERYWHERE these days. Corporate America is telling me I need to drink out of plastic, eat off of plastic, wrap my food in plastic, carry my stuff in plastic bags, store my kids toys in plastic, and buy up single use plastics as much as possible to make my like easier. What they … [Read more...]
Buying in Bulk is Green
One of the biggest environmental problems we face is packaging waste. For most of the public every shopping trip they take results in lots and lots of packaging...cereal boxes, cans or bags of nuts, bags of rice and beans, plastic milk jugs, etc. There are quite a few steps we can take to reduce our contribution to the packaging waste stream and one huge one is to simply eat real, local foods and not the processed foods that are more typically found in boxes and plastic bags. Yet there … [Read more...]
Should We Get Behind Plastic Bag Bans?
When it comes to Government legislation I don't tow any particular party line. I like to look at each situation individually and make up my mind. That means I may end up voting against implementing something like a smoking ban in bars (even though I think the habit is beyond disgusting) because I don't feel my it's my right to make a private business owner do things my way and I can always opt out of bar hopping if I want to limit exposure right? If I lived in California I would have … [Read more...]
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