8 More Things About Me

I was tagged for the 8 Things About Me meme again, this time by Activist Mommy.Remember the last eight things I told you about? Well,I do love to talk so it is not hard coming up with 8 more things. ;) Though I think I will borrow some things from the same meme I did over on my personal blog. So here goes:

1. My earliest memories are of being in the front seat of race cars. Both my mom and dad were professional drag racers when they met and married.

2. I am a BIG time movie buff. New movies come out on Tuesdays and it is rare that I don’t buy at least one. I have over over 1500 DVDs. Right now I am going through an English classic phase…Sense and Sensibility, Emma, The Painted Veil, and every version of Pride and Prejudice I can get my hands on. Can you say consumer?

3. Two out of my three births were natural with no meds….the last two. I hated almost everything about being pregnant but I love being a mom.

4. I don’t immunize my children. Besides believing them to be horrible chemical cocktails that weaken developing immune systems my first child was also badly injured by one.Me at 18

5. I turned 30 last week.

6. I was a vegetarian for several years but ultimately decided it was not he healthiest way to eat for my family. Now we strike a balance with organic meat and dairy products and we limit them but will never eliminate these from our diet.

7. My 9th wedding anniversary just passed and I forgot all about it….hubby is not too happy with me right now. We are hoping to make our 10th anniversary a kid free vacation and go someplace special. He wants Tahiti and I want San Francisco…although scuba diving, sailing, and little umbrella drinks doesn’t bad at all. ;)

8. I used to be a blonde…in fact many people used to call me Barbie girl. It was dirty blonde some months and then platinum the next. I dyed my hair brown when I got pregnant because I didn’t want to put chemicals on my skin while pregnant or breastfeeding. Lately I have been really tempted to go back to blonde even though I still hate all the chemicals.

Well, all this talk…my birthday, my anniversary, my blonde hair….it makes me nostalgic. So I dug up a picture of me from the past….I think I was around 18.

Thanks Activist Mommy for the tag!