Ditch the Bottled Water – It’s Easy!

Ditch the Bottled Water – It’s Easy!

green living tipNo doubt you have heard by now that some of the popular bottled water brands are actually glorified tap water. There is just nothing like a cold, refreshing bottle of $2.00 tap water right? Not!

Save yourself some money and bottle your own “public water source” water in a nice reusable bottle. I recommend Klean Kanteen or Life Factory. Not only will you stop funding greedy and manipulative corporations you will also help to reduce the amount of plastic bottles entering the market and our landfills.

And if you are worried about the quality of tap water you can always look into a water filtration system for your house or one of those refrigerator water filters and drink your very own “aquafina”.

Do you have an quickie green living tip? Send me a guest post with your tip and I will post it here!