Festival of Frugality #97

The Natural Family Living blog is proud to host the 97th edition of the Festival of Frugality! There are lots of great posts in this edition and this subject is one I feel is often very closely tied to being green, so I appreciate frugality quite a bit. So without further ado…

Editor’s Picks

Frugal Panda gives us several ways to become a frugal gardener so that cultivating your green thumb is as Thumbs Up!cost efficient as possible.

The Happy Rock has saved me some pennies because I didn’t even know about Amazon’s new music downloading service but as pointed out….Amazon is a bit cheaper than iTunes.

Mel of Bean Sprouts really grabbed my attention with a post on Seed Catalogues. It has some great information so give it a look.

Mbhunter shares 7 Ways to Conquer Chuck E. Cheese. My kids have asked to go this weekend so this was timely. :)

Boomie gives us some insights into the way eggs are eaten in Europe with The Incredible Edible Low-Cost Egg. There are also some pictures of really tasty looking food as well.

The Silicon Valley Blogger shares a great photo essay about cheaper goods and lower prices being risky.

Hindsight is 20/20 right? Well, Kyle shares with us 5 Things I Bought New and Wish I Hadn’t.

Amy sticks it to Martha Stewart with some frugal yet beautiful craft ideas in Eat Your Heart Martha: Bubbly Magnets.

Moorea at QueerCents writes an amusing article on how to score free perfume with Femme Economics: Fragrance Free. I don’t wear perfume personally but it was still fun to read.

Brip Blap has some great insights on 6 Ways You Are Passing Up Free Money. No one wants to be giving up free money so this is a good read.

Kris has a wonderful post to share about Apple Hacks or 43 Ways to Use Extra Apples.

One Girl’s Quest gives us some quality ideas for entertainment that will not break us financially.

Greening Your Moneygreen money

GP at Inside Montana shares with us how to have a Green Halloween.

Fire Finance shares a Blog Action Day post titled Sell, Exchange, or Recycle Electronic Trash.

MMND gives us some solid ideas for going green while keeping some green in your wallet.

Melissa adds another Blog Action Day post with 10 Ways to Reduce and Reuse.

Managing Your Money

Joanna tells us about her experience in creating her own Price Book and how it has helped her save at the grocery store.

Winter in coming for US readers so George shares ideas for conserving energy and money in the home.

Chris shares his thoughts about the old saying A Penny Saved is a Penny Earned.

Ted shares with us 5 reasons why trade lines are a timely remedy for the financially strained.

Free Money Finance discusses how Pennies Add to Millions. Is your Starbucks worth it?

Joel reminds us that simplicity is key to frugality in Less Stress: Reduce Your Lifestyle.

Family & Homehome

Super Saver has some insights into teaching your kids the steps to financial freedom.

Closely related to that Golbguru talks about what a financially painful childhood teaches you about money.

Are you getting married soon? Then don’t miss Mrs. Micah’s post on Planning a Beautiful and Frugal Wedding. There are a lot of great tips.

Ann tells us about all the ways that clutter in your life can cost you in the end.