Busy Weekend

Parker at Chuck E. CheeseMy husband was back in town this weekend so our family had a busy weekend. On Friday we had a little mix up with my hubby’s work schedule so after I picked him up in Columbus he had to return to work to take care of something. It didn’t make sense to drive all the way home and back (a two hour round trip) so he suggested I stay in town and do some shopping. Well, okay…he made me do it! LOL. I just ended going to Whole Foods and Borders bookstore. I lost my keys in the bathroom of the latter store and didn’t even realize I was using my spare set until we got home…grrr. But we got a lot of food for the weekend and I got some more raw food books. Then we went out for sushi…yum!

On Saturday we took the kids to Chuck E. Cheese and we did order a pizza but no one ate much of it because it tasted terrible. Luckily no one noticed when the kids started munching on rawsome Larabars…which we all adore. I got some good pictures of the kids playing and we did not see any kids with green snot noses running around touching everything like tlast time. I also picked up my keys at Borders and then we went to Costco.

Sunday we all worked out in the yard doing garden prep for nest year. We bought a tiller and we tilled our two garden areas and put down compost. I am pretty pleased with the soil quality in both areas. I think we are going to have some yummy veggies next summer but right now my arms and legs are sore from the workout. We treated ourselves to some raw key lime pie after that!

But alas all good things come to end and dear husband is leaving town again this morning….sigh. What did you do this weekend?

tilling garden